Business cards of diplomatic missions

For business papers of the diplomatic missions: in the event of the character font Thesis being unavailable, the system font Calibri must be used.

Illustration of a business card with the following elements: [1] name, [2] title and [3] contact details

Logotype: height of 12 mm
Margin: top, bottom, left and right: 4 mm

The last address line must always be at a distance of 4 mm from the edge.


  System Font Size Line Spacing Pantone Colour
1 Calibri 11 pt 9 pt 485 C
2 Calibri 8 pt 9.5 pt Cool Gray 11 C
3 Calibri 8 pt 9.4 pt Cool Gray 11 C

Business cards with QR code

The front side remains unchanged. On the back, the QR code is placed at the bottom left.

Illustration of the back of a business card with QR code

QR code: black, 20mm square, bottom left

Margin: top, bottom, left and right: 4mm

Bilingual business cards 

Bilingual business cards are printed on both back and front, with one language version on each side.

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